
vegan lentil pancake

vegan lentil pancake

You will love these vegan lentil pancakes! And you know why? They are easy to make, delicious and healthy with the load of leafy greens and herbs. Lentils, seeds and the greens provide you with plenty of protein and minerals and vitamins. But the best is, you […]

fruit and seed granola bar

fruit and seed granola bar

Summer hiking season is in full swing so I need some deliciously healthy snack to avoid getting hangry while hiking, if you know what I mean! I need something nourishing, healthy, instant fueling, energizing and easy to snack on the go. These fruit and seed […]

green herb frittata

green herb frittata

As an artist, colors are always in consideration when I think about cooking. And in spring, I am longing for green! So this green herb frittata with loads of delicious fresh green herbs like parsley, tarragon, and red pepper flakes is perfect! Its colorful, quick to make, […]

spiced almond-coconut granola

spiced almond-coconut granola

My body asks for a vast variety when it comes to breakfast from sweet to savory, from hot to cold, solid to liquid. It always depends on the season and just what my body asks for. But boy, when there are granola days, this spicy […]