sweet baking

covered apple cake

covered apple cake

I still had quite some of the apples left I got from my friend, so I thought take advantage of it and introduce you to this delicious covered apple cake. It is a classic German cake, my mother often made for the Sunday afternoon coffee/tea. But […]

apple tart

apple tart

“OH, YES, of course!” is what you say when your friend is calling with a gracious offer of a box of freshly harvested apples from an orchard she helped to pick. ‘I  know you will turn these apples in something beautiful and delicious” is what […]

rhubarb-pudding tart

rhubarb-pudding tart

Rhubarb represents spring like pumpkins are synonymous with autumn. This rhubarb-pudding tart was such a spring classic for me growing up. Just thinking about rhubarb makes my mouth water. Sure, partially of course rhubarb is so sour but mainly there are so many wonderful, delicious […]

coconut-caramel macaroons

coconut-caramel macaroons

Macaroons are my go-to when I do have leftover egg-whites. They are quick to make, variable and so delicious. But I do not like the amount of sugar normal macaroon recipes do ask for. So, I was pondering alternatives for a while. But when I […]