mindfulness practices

classic gazpacho – guest post

classic gazpacho – guest post

Todays post is a guest blog-post from Katrina Brink with the recipe for a classic gazpacho. Sometimes blogging is a pretty lonesome space, especially when you are starting out and do not have a team around you, yet…! So I was very happy when a […]

mindfulness in challenges

mindfulness in challenges

Hi guys, today I want to share about mindfulness, especially in difficult moments. Or better described as “the precious challenging moments we are given to learn and to grow”, where mindfulness can be your perfect life-support. For exactly these moments we need it the most, to be able […]

mango salsa

mango salsa

Before I go into the mango salsa today, I want to share my experience, having my first mango many years ago during a visit on the island of Bali. I first saw this fruit in these art-like, beautifully arranged offerings, Balinese people bring to their […]

spiced almond-coconut granola

spiced almond-coconut granola

My body asks for a vast variety when it comes to breakfast from sweet to savory, from hot to cold, solid to liquid. It always depends on the season and just what my body asks for. But boy, when there are granola days, this spicy […]

citrus salt

citrus salt

Citrus salt emerged in my kitchen as an unexpected gift through mindfulness. Last week, all of a sudden, I got chills and my bones started aching. So, I decided to fight this approaching cold and made myself a hot lemonade with honey and a pinch […]

Mindful Eating Practice

Mindful Eating Practice

This is a practice for mindful eating Have you ever really—and  I mean REALLY—fully  tasted your favorite food? What is the one food that is your all-time favorite, that you do not want to be without for a week or – OK, 2 weeks – […]