A crunchy, granola with coconut flakes and sliced almonds, warming cinnamon, the exotic spiciness of cardamom, a gentle hint of vanilla and the comforting sweetness of maple syrup
Pre-heat the oven to 300 F (130 C), or convection 275 F (115 C)
In a big mixing bowl add the GF rolled oats, measure with your hands and add the coconut flakes and sliced almonds, then cinnamon, cardamom and vanilla powder mix all dry ingredients mindfully and thoroughly with your hands. While mixing, recognize how different the ingredients feel between your fingers and enjoy the wonderful aroma of the spices. (If you are using liquid vanilla just add 2 Tsp. to the coconut oil/maple syrup mix).
In a small bowl whisk the melted coconut oil and maple syrup (and vanilla if using liquid extract) until they are fully combined
With a spatula mindfully mix the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients until everything is coated well with the maple syrup/coconut oil mix.
Pour the granola on a baking sheet spread it evenly in a thin layer. If the layer is getting too thick, use two baking sheets and place the tray/s in the oven to bake. Check after 30 minutes, switch sheets back to front and continue baking for 15-20 more minutes until it is getting medium brown. Make sure the coconut does not burn!
While the granola is baking, mix all the dried fruits cranberries, yellow raisins, sour cherries and the goji berries in a bowl and set aside until the cereal is baked.
When you recognize the wonderful aroma of baked coconut and the spices filling your kitchen, take a deep breath and enjoy this comforting aroma. The granola is ready when the coconut shaves are slightly golden brown around the edges
Pull out the tray and immediately mix the baked cereals with all the dried fruits then let everything cool. While it's cooling DO NOT stir that the crunchy clusters hold together. After the granola is fully cooled, fill it in your storage container.
Guten Appetit!
For breakfast just take 1/2 C granola, add your favorite yogurt, milk, and fresh fruit. If you want to enhance it with essential fatty acids (omega-6) and alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) sprinkle 1 Tbsp. hemp and/or chia seeds on top. And for more protein just add nuts, sunflower or pumpkin seeds.
TIP: You can easily double the recipe so when you are visiting friends just fill the granola in a cellophane bag as gift from your kitchen!